How to Make Crockpot Steel Cut Oats

Posted 9 years ago in Cooking

There is something soul-warming about waking up to bubbly food in the crockpot.

Crockpot Steel Cut Oats Finished Overhead

Especially when it means a hot, nutritious breakfast for you! And you can dish up a comforting bowl, and top it with whatever you wish…

Crockpot Steel Cut Oats Straigh On Shot

I wanted to develop a crockpot steel cut oat recipe, since steel cut oats have that “bowl of comfort” sensation about them, which means they should be waiting for us when we need them. If you’ve never had steel cut oats, know that they are chewy, hearty, and filling. In this recipe, I wanted a tad bit of sweetness, but no concentrated sugar added – a drizzle of pure maple syrup can be added later for those people who want it! A Gala apple was the perfect answer. Do not peel the apple, only give it a rough chop. Imperfect is best. That apple’s peel has amazing insoluble fiber & nutrient benefits we can’t get anywhere else. And, thankfully, that means less work for us. So…into the crockpot goes 2 cups steel cut oats, 2 chopped Gala apples, a little salt & a teaspoon cinnamon.

Crockpot Steel Cut Oats Overhead

Don’t forget the salt. It has its own powers. It is a flavor magnifier….and just a bit of it is needed.

Crockpot Steel Cut Oats Upclose

Add in 4 cups of water, and 4 cups of cashew milk. Stir. Put the lid on. Turn to low. Go to bed. (I love recipe instructions that include what my sleep habits should be 🙂 ) Eight hours later, you have this:

Crockpot Steel Cut Oats Finished Overhead

Now, there are literally a ton of health benefits of eating oats. They practically have the power to clean your arteries. But, we’re not thinking about that before 9 am. We are thinking about this!:

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I pour in a little more hot cashew milk…

cashew milk

And then top the bowl of steel cut oats with more fresh apple, toasted pecans (for protein and healthy fats), & another sprinkle of cinnamon.
Other favorites are:
– sliced bananas & fresh raspberries
– toasted coconut & a shave of dark chocolate
– fresh peaches, toasted pecans & a bit of raw honey
– matcha & toasted coconut
– did someone think melted peanut butter? YES! that too…

My question for you: what are your favorite oatmeal toppings? (which, by the way, Quaker is asking this very question of you for a chance to win $250,000. So…I don’t have that much to give away, but I would sure love your comments! Who knows….maybe you should enter your favorite stir-ins 🙂 )

Remember, make this a great day! It is within your power to do so 🙂

Full recipe for Crockpot Steel Cut Oats is here!

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