Beet Smoothie

Posted in Smoothies & Drinks

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One of the best detox foods this season is BEETS! To be completely honest, this was one of those foods – along with spinach – that initiated the gag reflex for me when I was in grade school. The look of them was deplorable…usually when I saw them, they were slushing out of a can on the family dinner table. The smell, the sound, the taste; none of it was appealing. Which, as an adult I realize was a huge misrepresentation of the beautiful ingredient the Creator made! (Though my sweet father still likes the canned version…which I love him for…lol)

Beets are a rich source of anti-inflammatory nutrients. I know the word “detox” gets thrown around these days, but this is a real detox vegetable (just like cabbage). Their antioxidants called betalains are specifically used in phase 2 detox of the body. It’s obvious they contain powerful antioxidants simply because of their color!

So…just like many foods, the best way to access these powerful nutrients is to get them in RAW. Doesn’t always sound appetizing, but wow – getting raw beets in will send your vitality though the roof. Which is why I developed this:

It’s refreshing, bright and thirst-quenching! Makes a great morning smoothie that should be drank with some protein source (since this smoothie does not have much protein, and that’s purposeful. It is meant to be a way to get phyto-nutrients into the body.) I say drink it in the morning, because it’s best to get a burst of antioxidants first thing! Imagine how you’ll feel the rest of the day! And, if you are going to get in some plant-based, fiber-filled carbohydrate, morning is the best time. Of course, I’m going to tell you to pair it with a hardboiled egg or two…

Or you could drink it in the afternoon as a bright pick-me-up to restore energy…But it has everything you need for more vitality. And when use those beets, just rinse it off well. No need to peel. And definitely do not cook. I realize this photo inside a Vitamix looks much like a salad…

But you add some coconut water, and you have vitality in a glass:

I originally developed this for a marathon runner friend of mine. She said raw beet smoothies are super-fuel post run, and she is right! But, they are good for all of us, and the perfect way to get a ton of nutrients, fiber, antioxidants, and detox plant-nutrition in a glass.

I created this recipe for Albertsons Safeway. And I would LOVE to see your photos! Please tag me on any social: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat!


1 cup coconut water
3/4 cup fresh pineapple chunks
1/2 cup bright red fresh beet (about 1/2 of a beet), chopped into medium chunks
1 small banana, frozen
handful fresh spinach leaves
1/2 teaspoon grated or sliced fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon lemon zest


1. Put all ingredients in the blender and blend until completely smooth. Add ice and pulse. Add more coconut water if needed!
2. Drink immediately! If drinking it post-workout or for a meal, feel free to add a scoop of all-natural protein powder, with about 20-25 grams of protein.

Prep time: 5 minutes
Total time: 5 minutes

Serves: 1

Nutrition Facts: Calories 200.5, Total Fat 1.3 g, Saturated Fat 0.2, Polyunsaturated Fat 0.3 g, Monounsaturated Fat 0.1 g, Cholesterol 0.0 mg, Sodium 174.5 mg, Potassium 1423.5 mg, Total Carbohydrate 43.7 g, Dietary Fiber 7.4 g, Sugars 44.1 g, Protein 3.4 g